Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Isn't Madison the Greatest!

Here we are in the last days of March (which is normally the dredges of winter), it is still a little colder than we would like it (especially after some of those teaser days we had not too long ago) and yet, Madison, in this great state of Wisconsin is such a great place to be.  

In spite of all the crap going on with Gov Walker and his cronies and how that has  cast a dark cloud over everything -- Spring is in the process of springing!  The snow drops have bloomed, crocuses have splayed their way up through the soil.  The early migratory birds are making their way, either back through or back home.  You see a few more bikes on the roads and paths throughout town.  

On top of spring springing, Madison has no shortage of activities -- no matter where your interest lie.  As things warm up so will the activity level as well.  Often times the frustration comes from deciding on what your NOT going to do, or what it is you have to pass up as there are too many great choices out there.  I could try to list some of these activities but that would be futile.  Without fail, someone would say -- oh, you shoulda mentioned this ,or that.  

Just check out the Isthmus for a good starting point for things to do.  There are other sources out there as well...  You know, I should be a source; tell me where your interest lie and I will guide you to a myriad of activities.

So this is my dilemma, Should I get a job?  I have no idea how I can squeeze in a 40 hour a week work gig with all that there is to do around here.  Can I make it my job to have fun in and around this town?  Did I mention we are in the dredges of winter?  I mean the best parts of the year for outdoor activity is just around the corner and I am already having too much fun.  Please believe me when I say I am so grateful to be living in an area such as this.  I mean I am now sitting in my favorite coffee shop (Cafe Zoma), I am piping some Joe Bonamassa through the headphones, while typing this.  Getting ready to go on a guided hike in Cherokee Marsh and doing all of this by bicycle. 
Oh hey, I am late.  I would edit this better but I better get going... Don't wanna miss anything...
Peace and vote April 5th

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Chill out drivers; I am gonna bike like a wild man...

So you are sitting at a stop light in your car.  I ride up on my gorgeous green bicycle machine, almost stop and then push right on through the red light.  You then grumble to yourself and think, damn cyclist they think they can get by with anything.  

What that translates to is you being jealous because you can't (don't) do the same.  So instead of rejoicing in my freedom to move and grove through traffic, you mutter and maybe even honk at me.  So why is this messed up???

Here is how I justify this.  As always having been a person of efficiency (Blame it on my Mom and 20-years in the Air Force) it just seems to make sense to travel this way.  After all, the whole idea when on a bike is to be in motion, right.  It is a natural desire to keep moving.  Your argument will probably be that I am a vehicle of the road and subject to the same laws of the road, blah blah blah blah.  Except of course, as these laws apply to you.  
 Who among us do NOT break a driving law each and every day; i .e. do you drive over the speed limit even only 5 mph, do you fail to engage your turn signal when changing lanes, etc.  Do you see where this is going.  Why are you able to look at me with disdain for breaking a rule of the road here and there while you do it everyday, just among your own terms though.  You who have not committed a traffic violation cast the first wayward glance.  
Your next argument is: what if I do something stupid and and you hit me with your vehicle.  I hereby give you permission to live with a clear consciousness.  If I blow through a stop-sign and you hit me, it is all good.  I accept being responsible for my actions  However, if you are texting while driving and you take me out, I will come back and haunt you...  I guess the point of all of this is - is if I slip through a light or get a jump on you -- don't get all up tight -- you would probably do the same thing if you were able.  I am not out there doing evil so chill out.  If the way is clear I will want to take advantage of that.  Let's keep this in perspective too - Me rolling through a stop sign weighing in at almost 300 pounds is a bit different then you rolling through a stop sign weighing in at 3000 pounds and with a much more limited view.  So the next time you see me pull off a little stunt that keeps me rolling, knowing that I checked out the situation, am aware of my abilities and limitations, just throw me a little smile and say to yourself, I am with ya brother...and let me roll on....

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Gonna go Andy Rooney on their Arse...

Do you ever wonder why...  we have traffic jams in Madison on the belt-line or interstate? 

It is because of Left Lane slow drivers!!!  Maybe this will get popular and people will get educated. 

Are you driving along in the left lane and no one is in front of you? ... is there a line behind you? ...  and there is room in the right lane to get over -- then do it!!  You are obstructing the flow of traffic and all of a sudden we have a serious back up.  This results in other drivers getting frustrated and then doing stupid things (this would be me) like accelerating quickly and then cutting in and out of traffic.  If folks were not buzzing around in their own world, oblivious to others, and were paying attention to the task at hand which is interacting with others on the road -- all with the common goal of efficiently and safely getting somewhere -- they would see there is a line behind them with no one in front.  Lead, follow, or get out of the way!!!  Is it really that hard to be aware of your surroundings while driving.  I feel this is a basic common courtesy and sign of respect to be aware of others in my environment.  If I don't want to go as fast as the person behind me, I move over to the right lane.  That is me being considerate and thoughtful.  Simple.  If folks were just a bit more aware and thoughtful, there would be a lot less traffic jams.  We just have to work together.

If you are on the cell-phone -- please please check in often as you are probably doing something stupid and or holding up somebody.  Really!  Next time you are driving and talking -- check around your area -- you are probably unaware that you are in fact dragging -- check it.

Now, through careful observation over many years from Texas and Wisconsin; as unscientific as this is, I have determined there is a large percentage of left lane slow drivers that are made up of pick-up truck drivers.  Wait wait!  Really. It gets better... A huge percentage of those pick-up truck drivers are Chevy drivers.  Really -- do your own study the next time you are stuck behind someone in the left lane with no one in front of them -- look up and you will most likely see a Chevy pick up or SUV like vehicle.  

 I have often thought of getting a little placard for my drivers-side rear window that says something to the effect of, "If you can read this, you need to move over".  This the Chevy pick-up truck driver would be able to read as I drive by.  Wait, scratch that -- probably not...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I guess if your gonna start -- ya may as well just jump in.

This may qualify as my very first blog.  I can sit there and read and read, or I can just start doing and learn along the way.  I mean seriously, who is going to read this one anyway?  I suppose if I blog, it would be a good idea to have something to say hey.